
About us

Social advocacy is our specialty.

We use our public voice to bring awareness to the issues you care about.

We don't just help you collect your data - we share it with a wider audience to advocate for what matters to you. We write peer-reviewed articles, we blog, we post on social media, we write books, we speak at conferences, we appear on radio shows...all with the ultimate goal of promoting your cause.   


We've partnered in the evaluation of a variety of social impact programs, from higher education credential programs, prison rehabilitation programs, educational courses, peer support programs, to services for unhoused transition age youth.


We don't stop at collecting data and presenting findings to your organization, we advocate in public spaces for your social impact cause. We write blogs, post on social media, publish peer-reviewed articles and books, speak at conferences, and appear on radio talk shows to support your cause.


Dr. LaBarbera, our principal evaluation consultant, has advanced degrees and training in assessment and evaluation, social work, education, special education, and criminal justice. Her social worker heart underlies all her academic pursuits.


At the heart of all we do is a “sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it" (Merriam Webster). We focus all our actions on social justice, with the desire to advanced vulnerable populations through lasting systemic change.

View some of our advocacy publications.

Our Core Values


With integrity, we design, execute, and disseminate results from research and evaluation to help you address the most pressing social challenges. We take projects from research design to reporting through careful integration of multiple methods (surveys, focus groups, interviews, content analysis, and data visualizations) to help your organization bring community flourishing.


We specialize in working with leaders in the correctional education, re-entry, mental health, homeless services, and peer support fields, helping you maximize the impact you have in the communities you serve. We partner with you to plan and execute an evaluation project from start to finish - together. We dedicate our time, resources, and energy to partnerships with nonprofits, community groups, and foundations that share our values.


Our mission is to partner with  leaders to develop and evaluate effective and powerful programs that create meaningful and lasting community change. We love our communities, and we see evaluation as a way of strengthening the impact we can make with the people we serve.

About our Founder:


Independent Program Evaluator

Partnering with a range of public health, education, and human service leaders to amplify their program's impact and bring human flourishing to their communities.

As a certified external program evaluator with two doctoral degrees (in social work and education) and a tenured professor (emerita), I enjoy using my professional training and expertise to improve quality of life and bring human flourishing to underserved populations. Speciality areas include higher education in prison, re-entry, high-poverty community programs, behavioral health, and public health programs.

I have developed, evaluated, and presented research on programs designed to maximize well-being and flourishing for children and adults with learning disabilities, parents of children with disabilities, educators coping with stress, individuals affected by childhood trauma and adversity, current and former foster youth/young adults, people who are experiencing homelessness, individuals who are incarcerated or formerly incarcerated, and people involved in the mission field.

Social advocacy is my specialty. I use my public voice to bring awareness to the issues you care about. I don't just help you develop your project or collect your evaluation data—I share it with a wider audience to advocate for what matters to you. I write peer-reviewed articles, blog, post on social media, write books, speak at conferences, and appear on radio shows, all with the ultimate goal of promoting your cause.

Let's partner to address today's most pressing social issues.

We are proud members of the following associations and affiliations:

American Evaluation Association

American Grant Writers Association

Grant Station

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